Race, Class and Gender

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Gender and Globalization:
Patterns of Women's Resistance

By Ligaya Lindio-McGovern
and Erica G. Polakoff

Neoliberal globalization has a detrimental impact on most women and their families in the global South or Third World.

Diversity, Inequality & Canadian Justice
Edited by Douglas E. King & John A. Winterdyk
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Ethnicity, Ethnic Conflicts, Peace Processes: Comparative Perspectives
Edited by Edward A. Tiryakian
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Gender and Globalization:
Patterns of Women's Resistance
Edited by Ligaya Lindio-McGovern
and Erica G. Polakoff
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Globalization and Post-Apartheid South Africa
Edited By Abebe Zegeye, Richard Harris, and Pat Lauderdale
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Islam, Gender, Culture, and Democracy: Findings from the WVS
Edited by Ronald Inglehart
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2010 BOOKS