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Gender and Globalization

Gender and Globalization:
Patterns of Women's Resistance

Edited by
Erica G. Polakoff
and Ligaya Lindio-McGovern

ISBN 13:
9781897160343 (softcover)
Pub date: Jan 2011

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ISBN 978-1-897160-54-1

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About the Authors

Erica G. Polakoff is Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies at Bloomfield College, NJ, where she co-founded the Women's Studies, Latino/Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and Honors Programs. She received her PhD in Sociology,Women's Studies and Latin American Studies from Cornell University. Her research has focused on low-income communities and grassroots organizations (women's, labor, and neighborhood associations) in Bolivia, Nicaragua, and more recently, Mexico, during times of economic and political crisis. A documentary photographer, Polakoff has published and exhibited her photographs of these and other research projects.

Ligaya Lindio-McGovern , PhD, is a Filipina Associate Professor of Sociology with Full Graduate Faculty Status at Indiana University. A former Director of Women's Studies at Indiana University-Kokomo, she is author of Filipino Peasant Women: Exploitation and Resistance (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997). She has also published journal articles and book chapters, spoken in national and international conferences, and conducted numerous research projects. Her current research is on Third World women and globalization, Philippine labor export and resistance.

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